6 Steps for Individualized Sales Coaching

6 Steps for Individualized Sales Coaching

Cringe-worthy moment. I watched a role play recently where the rep called his boss, who was playing the buyer, by the wrong name. And then he did it again.  The discomfort, even over a recorded Zoom, was palatable, like watching the most uncomfortable episode of The...
Self-Solutioning is the Key to Buyer Intent

Self-Solutioning is the Key to Buyer Intent

“Intent data” is all the rage right now. But intent data can be misleading. To accurately surface buyer’s intent, focus first on self-solutioning content. A Google search on the benefits of intent data offers promises about finding “the heartbeat of modern marketing,”...
Three Rules of Content Amplification

Three Rules of Content Amplification

Content amplification. It’s a fancy way of saying let your buyer decide. It means put the same content in multiple places so your buyers can choose where and how they want to engage. The great majority of top of the funnel (TOFU) content used to be consumed through...