Sales Personalization

87% of high-growth companies take a value-based approach to sales.

According to ValueSelling Associates, Inc., “87% of high-growth companies take a value-based approach to sales compared to 45% of negative-growth companies.” We help our sales teams master personalization skills so they can be first to add value in every buyer conversation. We build bespoke sales playbooks that guide buyer conversations from your product back to what your buyers value most.


Sales Personalization

Gauge your readiness for demand gen personalization with our diagnostic checklist covering your most important indicators for success:

  • Personalized Prep & Value Discovery
  • Personalized Storytelling
  • Securing Next Commitments
  • Continuous Learning
"I've never seen as simple and powerful an approach to revenue growth" - David Meerman Scott

Our Services
How We Can Help

Core Processes and Skills Developed

  • Developing skills for personalizing at scale in each buyer conversation
  • Learning key values props, value props by ICP, and ICP messaging
  • Prepping and execution of a three-part, personalized sales meeting. 
  • Guiding the customer through value discovery to get to personal
  • Using personalized storytelling to speak to individual buyer value rather a product pitch
  • Establishing the next commitments to build momentum and qualifying deals
  • Personalizing follow-up sales emails, decks, and proposals

Sales Personalization
Our Packages

Sales Personalization Jumpstart

  • 10 weeks of consulting and coaching
  • Four to six weekly sessions session with sales, marketing and product marketing leadership
  • Buyer Personalization Playbooks with value props for your ICP buyer goals, roles, and market
  • Sales and Deal Velocity Playbooks from first discovery call to a Closed Won deal
  • Roll out Sales and Deal Velocity Playbooks to Sales Team
  • Conduct two (2) three (3) bi-weekly small group learnings to test playbooks
  • Capture learnings from the field to revise Personalization, Sales and Deal Velocity Playbooks


Sales Personalization Transformation

  • 7+ months of consulting and coaching, 30-day deliverables and termination option
  • All of the deliverables in the Sales Playbook Jumpstart
  • Weekly session with marketing and product marketing teams
  • On-going sales team enablement and skills coaching
    • Monthly team “learnings from the field” training sessions to introduce playbooks, capture, and share best practices
    • Bi-weekly small group peer skills coaching sessions
    • Bi-weekly sales leadership sync on playbook adoption and skills coaching

Value-Based Selling 
Insights and Expertise

Running a Three-Part Meeting

In a noisy and competitive buyer environment, mastering the ability to prepare and run three-part meetings can substantially accelerate your deal velocity. Learn how to personalize each conversation to maximum value to your buyers and increase sales effectiveness.  If you dedicate just a small portion of your work week to preparing three-parts of each sales you will optimize your meeting results.




Securing Next Commitments

Securing next commitments in each sales meeting is your #1 driver of deal velocity.

Most methodology implementations failed for a simple reason. They focused on the seller, not the buyer’s journey.  To close more deals faster, use “the last 10 minutes” of every call to ask your buyers to take actions that move you both closer to a partnership…and a close!

Sample Plays

Team Performance

Three-Part Meeting Checklist

Learn how to effectively prepare for a successful discovery call by breaking it down into distinct phases: value discovery, personalizing value, and securing next commitments and mutual next steps. By setting clear objectives for each phase, you can aim for specific outcomes and track your progress.

Team Performance

Three-Part Value Discovery

Most buyer discovery fails because it is shallow. It never gets beyond high-level questions on goals and priorities. Value discovery, on the other hand, uses several levels of questions to help you and your buyer identify exactly what they care about most and what will motivate them to purchase.

Team Performance

Buyer Success Statement

Deals with the highest velocity and close ratio anchor on a buyer success statement. Envisioning a more successful future different than the current state brings emotional energy into a sales conversation. The buyer’s success statement should be captured, refined and reiterated throughout the deal.

Success Story

“Everyone is evolving and consistently getting better thanks to the shared sales playbooks and field learning sessions that help to capture team best practices… If others set up their follow-up training the same way, I guarantee that their reps would get something out of it.” 

Karen Hundley, Vice President, Legal Partnerships at CeriFi
