Accelerate revenue by connecting to issues driving urgency for K-12 buyers.
To be successful in K-12 markets, companies need to speak in a personalized way about issues that superintendents and other district leaders are focused on now.

Trusted by these K-12 clients:

K-12 Buying Theme #1
Teacher Shortage
Two years of covid has accelerated teacher burnout and teacher shortages.
44% of schools are reporting vacancies
Rate of teachers quitting is 41% higher than a year ago
K-12 educators are the most burned-out segment of the US labor force
Key Takeaway: New investments need to be made in teacher onboarding and consistent professional development.
K-12 Buying Theme #2
Learning Loss & Student Achievement
Remote learning and other stressors caused high absenteeism and learning loss.
Students are on average five months behind in mathematics and four months behind in reading, according to a McKinsey analysis
Chronic absenteeism, a key contributor, has doubled in some districts
Key Takeaway: Learning loss recovery will require investments in at home, “flipped classroom” individualized learning.

K-12 Buying Theme #3
Parent Partnership
Both teachers and parents want deeper engagement.
Educators recognize that outdated approaches to engagement get in the way of connecting with hard-to-reach families
85% of parents want a better understanding of their child’s progress but prefer to connect via mobile apps (35%) or text messaging (30%)
Key Takeaway: Engaged families lead to higher grades, test scores, and graduation rates, but new tools are needed.
K-12 Buying Theme #4
Digital Learning & Supplemental Instruction
Schools and districts continue to double-down on digital learning and supplemental instruction.
Supplemental materials will grow from 43.9% of the total K-12 instructional materials market in 2020 to 45.7% in 2024
The main driver of this growth is the on-going necessity for teachers and parents to support more student learning at home
Key Takeaway: New digital learning and supplemental instruction investments are key to individualized learning and parent partnership.

Success Story
“Focusing on specific buyer and customer challenges has helped us align marketing, sales and customer success as we integrate five companies.”
Phil Charland,

Buying Momentum
Training for Learning and Partnership
Get the data on top trends related to training for Learning and Partnership and how to personalize your value prop to K-12 buyers around their top-of-mind concerns.
Pockets of buying momentum
Trends and key takeaways
Four key areas of concern
Corporate Learning personas
Discovery themes and questions