Service to Others Begins with Personalization

Service to Others Begins with Personalization

To build a culture of service to others, focus on personalization. Anyone who has ever volunteered with teens on soup lines will know exactly what I mean. One type of teen will show up on time and do everything asked of them, but do very little to engage patrons they...
Achieving Personalization at Scale

Achieving Personalization at Scale

“I delete hundreds of emails every day, but I responded to yours. So, let’s get going.” That is how the CEO of an industrial automation company began a meeting with me at a recent  conference. His interest was piqued, but he was also in a hurry to get to the point. It...
Check Your Ego at the Dojo Door

Check Your Ego at the Dojo Door

I am a 2nd degree black belt. I got there by always checking my ego at the dojo door. I started karate at 47 to have an activity I could do with my then 7-year-old son and 5-year-old daughter.   At the beginning, I was bad, really bad – the bottom quarter of any...