
Stop the Insanity. It is Time to Rethink Lead Generation

Stop the Insanity. It is Time to Rethink Lead Generation

Stop the insanity. It is time to rethink lead generation. We have all read the headlines: 80% of B2B Sales Interactions Between Suppliers and Buyers Will Occur in Digital Channels by 2025 B2B buyers are nearly 70% through their buyer journey before ever contacting...

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Content Journeys on Your Website

Content Journeys on Your Website

There’s a content tsunami out there. 91% of companies are producing more content, but only 30% have a defined buyer journey that motivates this content.   The result is that a ridiculous amount of content is being produced that does not engage, but instead overwhelms...

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Force Multiply Your Time to Money

Force Multiply Your Time to Money

“Sure we could have done it ourselves, but it would have taken us two years. And, that would have resulted in a lot of lost revenue. You guys got it done in six months.”  That’s how Russ Jackson, Vice President of Growth Sales at NECI, explained the decision to...

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“So You’re a New Sales Leader, Now What?” Chapter 3

“So You’re a New Sales Leader, Now What?” Chapter 3

In this last installment of our “So, you're a new sales leader” series, we will share more insights from our esteemed colleagues as well as a few of our own.  We hope those of you that have moved into a leadership role for the first time have found this series...

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The Power of Focusing on Assistance Over Selling

The Power of Focusing on Assistance Over Selling

“There has been a sea change in how companies go-to-market,” observes Ren Chin, Chief Marketing Officer at GoFormz. “Just 8 or 9 years ago, many companies could be successful with an enterprise, outbound motion. But now, things aren’t quite so simple.” GoFormz,...

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Bridging the Divide: Digital Marketing and Your Website

Bridging the Divide: Digital Marketing and Your Website

Your website is your tool to capture buyer demand. But, too often buyers show up at your website only to be confused. The result? Higher bounce rates and lower content engagement. Think about it: Your website is only the second step of your demand generation...

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“So You’re a New Sales Leader, Now What?” Chapter 2

“So You’re a New Sales Leader, Now What?” Chapter 2

In our first installment of our “So, you're a new sales leader” series, we shared 8 tips for getting a strong start. In this second installment, we’re sharing perspectives on 3 of those tips from some of our esteemed colleagues. Understand what works. First, focus on...

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Buyers Need to See Themselves in Your Website

Buyers Need to See Themselves in Your Website

“Your website is really bad,” commented a key board member in a client’s recent board. Words that would make any revenue leader’s heart stop.  Your website is at the founding of the buyer personalization experience. It’s typically the first point of contact and...

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Accelerate Sales with Well-Defined Skills Coaching

Accelerate Sales with Well-Defined Skills Coaching

Sales coaching raises rep performance by 19% on average…but only if you have clear coaching plans at both the individual and team level. It’s not just about working harder; it’s about working smarter.  Here is an essential coaching tip. We are all individuals. You...

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You’re a New Sales Leader… Now What?

You’re a New Sales Leader… Now What?

Congratulations on stepping into a new leadership role!  Remember that great onboarding experience as a new rep? Yeah, that’s not happening for you as a new manager.  Remember all those playbooks, coaching, and super consumable learning journeys you got? Yeah, well,...

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Personalizing Your Value Prop to K-12 Buyers

Personalizing Your Value Prop to K-12 Buyers

“With the help of Winalytics, we’ve personalized our district strategy and refined our Superintendent messaging with active A/B tests,” explains Kimberly Moore, CEO, Go Together. Across the country, K-12 schools have been grappling with ongoing funding challenges and...

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Effective Selling is a Perishable Skill

Effective Selling is a Perishable Skill

Effectively selling depends on continuous skills reinforcement. Why? Because, the human brain is wired to forget. Research on the “forgetting curve” suggests we forget 50% of new information in a day and 90% within a week. And, the amount of “new information” sales...

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How Top Performing Sales Teams Win Faster

How Top Performing Sales Teams Win Faster

Winalytics is a funny name. But it captures perfectly what makes a top sales team different.    Top teams find and act on their “win” or success patterns a lot faster than middling teams. And, they use playbooks to make these win patterns repeatable. We all live...

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The Benefits of Programmatic Coaching

The Benefits of Programmatic Coaching

Sales coaching raises rep performance by 19% on average...but only if you also enable the marketing and customer success teams who feed your sales team! In the first of our 3-part series on “sales coaching to improve performance,” we have shared some whys and hows...

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Sales Playbooks Are The Foundation For Sales Acceleration

Sales Playbooks Are The Foundation For Sales Acceleration

Top performing sales teams are different. They use playbooks to accelerate performance. Think about it. A sports team would never take the field without regularly practicing their playbooks. But many sales teams have no shared plays to guide buyer conversations. Just...

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6 Steps for Individualized Sales Coaching

6 Steps for Individualized Sales Coaching

Cringe-worthy moment. I watched a role play recently where the rep called his boss, who was playing the buyer, by the wrong name. And then he did it again.  The discomfort, even over a recorded Zoom, was palatable, like watching the most uncomfortable episode of The...

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Self-Solutioning is the Key to Buyer Intent

Self-Solutioning is the Key to Buyer Intent

“Intent data” is all the rage right now. But intent data can be misleading. To accurately surface buyer’s intent, focus first on self-solutioning content. A Google search on the benefits of intent data offers promises about finding “the heartbeat of modern marketing,”...

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The Right Content is King in your Buyer Journey

The Right Content is King in your Buyer Journey

Content is king is a common refrain, but not all content is created equal. For your buyer and customer journey, content that personalizes value is all that matters! Sarah MacKinnon, in a recent article aptly titled a “A Content Tsunami,” shows 91% of companies...

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Three Rules of Content Amplification

Three Rules of Content Amplification

Content amplification. It’s a fancy way of saying let your buyer decide. It means put the same content in multiple places so your buyers can choose where and how they want to engage. The great majority of top of the funnel (TOFU) content used to be consumed through...

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Enabling a Culture of Sales Coaching

Enabling a Culture of Sales Coaching

It’s an old saw. Sales people get lots of training and coaching…and then they get promoted to sales manager and, suddenly, it stops.  Why? We don't assume sales people know everything they need to know the minute after they get hired. So, why do we assume that...

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Personalization Starts on Your Website

Personalization Starts on Your Website

Companies are investing ever greater amounts in personalizing the buyer and customer journey. Too many fail to recognize that personalization starts on your website. Gartner, McKinsey & Company, and Forrester have all done research showing companies proficient in...

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Data-Driven Demand Gen and Buyer Personalization

Data-Driven Demand Gen and Buyer Personalization

We are failing in demand gen efforts. Personalization at scale offers a solution.   For too many organizations, personalization means using generic, or AI generated, content in ham-handed and increasingly ineffective ways.  The work around building and executing...

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Sales 3.0, Skill #4, Prepping a Three-Part Meeting

Sales 3.0, Skill #4, Prepping a Three-Part Meeting

The right sales meeting prep can dramatically increase your deal velocity. And, the good news? You can do it in about 15 minutes. That is why skill #4 in our Sales 3.0 Series is building your skills for a quick, targeted prep session before each sales call to make...

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Sales 3.0, Skill #3, Next Commitments Drive Deal Velocity

Sales 3.0, Skill #3, Next Commitments Drive Deal Velocity

Securing next commitments in each sales meeting is your #1 driver of deal velocity. That is why skill #3 in our Sales 3.0 Series is building your skills to use the last 10 minutes of each sales conversation to agree on the next committed actions from both buyer and...

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Sales 3.0, Skill #2, Personalizing Your Product Discussions

Sales 3.0, Skill #2, Personalizing Your Product Discussions

No one really cares about your product. That is, unless it solves an important problem for them. That is why skill #2 in our Sales 3.0 Series is building your expertise with micro-presentations highly tailored to each buyer’s goal to replace a product pitch. The sales...

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In a Sales 3.0 World, Mindset is All that Matters

In a Sales 3.0 World, Mindset is All that Matters

We are in a Sales 3.0 world. Your mindset drives your performance. But, there is a catch.   Almost all your sales training has created the wrong mindset -- a mindset in which the seller journey dominates the buyer journey.   Below I share four sales practices that...

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Customer Success as Sales Engine

Customer Success as Sales Engine

Customer Success (CS) has become vital to sustainable sales growth. Recent headlines tell the story: "Why Customer Success is the Future of Revenue Growth" and "Why Customer Success is Vital to the Future of Sales."  So why is this? This strategic role of customer...

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For Great Selling, Focus on Consistent Problem Finding

For Great Selling, Focus on Consistent Problem Finding

Curiosity is an important skill for all of us, but not so much in our sales conversations. Great selling is based a lot more on consistency than it is on curiosity or creativity. I am thinking about this because a CRO recently shared his view that improving curiosity...

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“What Will Make You More Successful?”

“What Will Make You More Successful?”

“What’s the one thing that will make you more successful?” Mastering that simple question in your buyer conversations will make the difference between top and mediocre sales performance. All sales and deal velocity comes from helping a buyer see a path to a more...

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I Love Latin America

I Love Latin America

I am back in Latin America with my family. It is a place I love. It is a place of so many formative experiences stretching back several decades. It was in Latin America that I learned what it meant to be the “other.”   As an eight year old, I was one of two white kids...

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Empathy is a Habit of Mind

Empathy is a Habit of Mind

I used to think I was naturally empathetic, then a family member’s crisis showed otherwise. I have always been curious about other people, what makes them tick, and what they need. I listen actively, recap often, and make sure everyone is included in the conversation....

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Finding My Tribe

Finding My Tribe

It’s been a long, often lonely, journey. But I’ve found my tribe. I started my professional career as a Ph.D. social scientist doing qualitative research for a decade at Stanford and the RAND Corporation. I loved the focus in the Academy on learning, evidence-based...

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