Intent data has emerged as a crucial tool in this buyer-led era; but, it may seem daunting, complex, and expensive. But in reality, you can start right now by keeping it simple and without having to invest tons of money on tools. 


Intent data boils down to tracking and analyzing online behaviors of the key personas within your ICP. There is no shortage of platforms that consolidate all this information to dashboards that can then be used to trigger a certain set of activities, ideally that are synchronized across marketing demand gen and sales. 

But you can bootstrap and hack your way into and add complexity over time. It just requires: 

  • A little bit of data, start with website visits and content downloads 
  • A few key metrics, like ICP/account rank and overall score
  • A couple of activities that are triggered by the outputs, like starting a drip sequence or some targeted ads

All this is simply to help prioritize your outreach efforts.

Strategies for Using Intent Data

Many teams make the mistake of overinvesting in third-party data and automation right out of the gates. We recommend starting with an MVP approach. Add in complexity as you learn what works best for your teams in your markets. 

Here are a few ideas to get you started:

  1. Align Sales and Marketing: Both teams have to be synchronized in using intent data to target the right prospects at the right time. Marketing can nurture top of funnel leads, engaging until they display strong buying signals.
  2. Prioritize and Personalize: Use intent data to segment and score leads based on their activities. Personalized communication becomes easier and conversion higher when you’re focused on people showing the most interest. 
  3. Time Your Outreach: With insights into when a prospect engages with relevant content, sales teams can reach out at those critical moments when a potential buyer is most receptive. 
  4. Competitive Insights: As you add in third-party data sources, you can add to your scoring rubric, for example, when someone in your ICP is considering your competitors. This allows you to tailor your messaging to highlight your unique or situational differentiators.
  5. Optimize: Regularly analyze the effectiveness of different strategies and tactics. A commitment to continuous testing and iteration is key to long-term success with your intent driven approach.

Intent data isn’t just a nice-to-have anymore. Remember, the goal is to prioritize connecting with prospects who are considering solutions like yours while building awareness and nurturing those prospects that are not in the buying window today.

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