Positioning Personalization

Grow 24% faster growth with positioning alignment.

Too many companies live in positioning silos. With 70% of the buyer journey now digital and content-dirven, positioning silos confuse buyers. By contrast, aligned positioning across marketing, sales and account teams leads to 24% faster growth rates and 27% faster profit growth, according to Sirius Decisions. We help companies overcome positioning silos to personalize the full buyer journey.


Positioning Personalization


Gauge your readiness for journey personalization with our diagnostic checklist covering your most important indicators for success:

  • Value Props and ICP Alignment
  • Value Discovery Strategies
  • Personalized Storytelling
  • Segment Value Props
"I've never seen as simple and powerful an approach to revenue growth" - David Meerman Scott

Our Services
How We Can Help

Core Processes and Skills Developed

  • Value prop identification and ideal customer alignment to establish differentiation
  • Building Value Discovery Strategies to ensure that offerings align with customer needs
  • Personalized story-telling based on buyer’s goals, role or market segment and establish
  • Creating Segment Value Props personalized to communicate the unique benefits to a specific customer segment

Positioning Personalization
Our Packages

Positioning Personalization Jumpstart

  • 10 weeks of consulting and coaching
  • Weekly sessions session with marketing, product marketing and sales leadership
  • Personalization Playbooks with value props for your ICP buyer goals, roles, and market
  • Content Playbooks & content strategy audit including review of 
    • Cross-team alignment on core value props and ICPs for each value prop
    • Discovery frameworks by value props to surface buyer goals and wins
    • Core content assets, 5 to 6, by buyer goal, role, and market segment
    • Content pathway by value prop connecting website, demand gen, and sales conten
    • Segment versioning of value props and top customer stories

Positioning Personalization Transformation

  • 7+ months of consulting and coaching, 30-day deliverables and termination option
  • All of the deliverables with the Positioning Personalization Jumpstart
  • Bi-weekly session with sales, accounts and.or marketing teams based on revenue goals
  • Develop one (1) new Team Playbook for for every three months of of Execution around selected target revenue outcomes:
    • 2x faster revenue velocity = Journey Personalization Playbook
    • + 45% MQL sourcing + MQL to SQL conversion = Demand Gen Playbook
    • + 40% SQL to Closed Won conversion = Sales Personalization Playbook
    • +20% contract and account values = Account Based Expansion Playbook

Positioning Personalization
Insights and Expertise

Sales, Marketing, and Customer Success — Three Revenue Teams, One Customer Experience

Sales, Marketing, and Customer Success teams each have their own personality and culture. Differences between these three revenue teams can be a strength or a weakness. When these teams work in alignment, they support a shift to a customer-centric enterprise that creates deep loyalty and drives revenue growth.

5 Key Practices of the Modern Marketer

Today’s buyers have access to nearly unlimited information about you and your competitors from websites, peer and product review sites, social media, and email outreach. It is information overload. Only those B2B vendors that cut through the noise to personalize value really capture any mindshare.


Positioning Personalization
Sample Plays

Team Performance

From Product to Buyer Value

Rather than focus on your product, help your buyers understand how your product helps them be more successful. Your buyers have access to almost unlimited information about you, your products, and your competitors. They don’t want more product information. They want to see a path to a brighter, more successful future.

Team Performance

Value Plays and Personas 

There are typically six to eight buyers in any purchasing conversation. The highest momentum in your buyer and customer conversations comes from connecting all buyer personas to the same goal area, while offering impacts specific to each buyer.

Team Performance

Value Plays by Segment 

Marketing teams drive faster revenue when they work with customer success teams to identify top customers in each target market and partner with these top customers to identify segment-specific goals, messaging, and language that will engage other peer buyers.

Success Story

Our work with Winalytics sharpened our positioning and execution to focus on a specific buyer business problem. Before, we focused too much on our own product and product innovation rather than on understanding how to make our buyers and customers more successful.  Once we focused on the business ‘why,’ the impact on buyer engagement and sales productivity was immediate and dramatic.

Greg Carder, Vice President of Sales North America & ANZ,

True Fit Corporation