Privacy Policy

You grant Winalytics access to your data so that Winalytics  can give you accurate and timely information about the companies, prospects and individuals you engage with. Whenever we transmit or store your personal data, we work hard to protect it.

Winalytics has access to information about your emails (including the email address you’re sending from, the email addresses of recipients, the subject line, the body of the email, and attachments).

Winalytics gathers this information from:

  • Integration with your email client (e.g., Gmail)
  • Direct processing of email metadata (for Gmail users only) via IMAP

Winalytics then uses this information in the following ways:

  • EMAIL TEXT: The Winalytics client modifies the body of your emails to inform you when a recipient has opened the message or clicked on one of the hyperlinks.
  • LINK WRAPPING: To help you track who has opened your links, Winalytics “wraps” them in links to URLs to watch for visits. Due to the volume of links that we process, occasionally these URLs will be erroneously flagged as spam, which can affect the deliverability of an email with links to those URLs. To help ensure deliverability, we use certain tools to monitor when one of our URLs is incorrectly flagged, so that we can both automatically unflag those URLs and remove them.
  • RECIPIENTS: Winalytics uses your recipient’s email address to generate a side panel of relevant information about the recipient and their company from public data sources.
  • EMAIL CONNECTIONS: When you use Gmail and link your inbox with Winalytics using an email address that isn’t on a “freemail” domain (,, etc.), you enable Winalytics to share data within your organization (determined by your email domain) about companies you’ve been in touch with by email. When you navigate to the website of a company and display the Company Profile bar, you’ll see the names of your coworkers who have sent emails to that company domain, along with the name of the contact they’ve corresponded with at that company. Winalytics provides this information for all emails sent during the lifetime of your email address, whether they were sent before or after you installed Winalytics. Winalytics only shares this information with those who share your email domain.

An Important Note on Email Connections: Because Winalytics is designed to help professionals be more transparent with their teammates, the Company Contacts feature uses your entire inbox history, including emails from before Winalytics was installed. If you use your email for personal correspondence, your connections could be displayed for your colleagues if they visit the site that corresponds to your personal contact’s email address. If you have concerns about exposing things you’d like kept private, you should not use this feature.