We’re in a buyer-driven era where cold outreach is becoming obsolete.

Today, modern marketing and sales are all about helping buyers reveal their own needs. It’s no longer about pushing products but creating personalized value and guiding buyers through their journey.

1st Party intent data is a key part of this—data that only you own, unlike 3rd Party data from intent platforms that capture broad digital searches. This data helps you guide buyers to the right sales conversations with real insights into their needs and behaviors.

Here are three ways to leverage 1st Party data to create a more personalized buyer experience:

1. Carefully Define Your Ideal Buyers

In B2B, purchases aren’t made by a single customer. They’re driven by a Buying Committee—a mix of individuals with different motivations. This idea isn’t new in sales, but it should now lead all your marketing strategies and activities.

Your buyers break down into three key roles:

  • Champions – Your internal advocates who drive change within the organization.
  • Sponsors – This includes your Economic Buyer, who approves budgets, and the Executive Champion, who has initiatives tied to investing in your product.
  • Users – The ones who will use your product day-to-day, including User Buyers and Technical Users, who evaluate how well your solution fits with existing processes.

By defining and measuring engagement across these three roles, you’ll start to identify which customer accounts have the highest readiness to move forward.

2. Identify Ideal Customer Segments

Ideal buyers are great, but they exist within Ideal Customer Accounts. These accounts are crucial for closing deals.

Yes, you can get initial engagement with any sales conversation, but it’s much harder to convert if you don’t already have logos and success stories in those segments.

Your Ideal Customer Profiles (ICPs) should include segments where you have at least:

  • Half a dozen recognizable company logos for “name drops.”
  • Three referenceable customers who can speak to their success with your product.

These ICPs should score higher in your lead models, driving higher conversion rates.

3. Create Personalized Content Streams

Once you’ve identified your ideal buyers and accounts, the next step is personalized content. But don’t overwhelm your audience with too much content. Instead, focus on a core set of assets tailored to different personalization categories.

It’s all about how your ideal buyers and customers engage with your content:

  • How many assets do they interact with?
  • How much time do they spend on it?
  • Are they following a clear path through the content?

This 1st Party data is invaluable for understanding buyer intent. Yes, intent data is great for connecting marketing efforts to sales revenue—but only if you optimize your content and lead generation for ideal buyers and customers.